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Guide to using PrepPad and RadioPrepBot

PrepPad allows you to collate, centralise, edit and share your content all in on place at the click of a button.
How Do I Add Content To PrepPad?
How Do I Edit Content In PrepPad?
How Do I Group PrepPads?
How Do I Add A Group In PrepPad?
How Do I Enhance My Content With AI?
How Do I Share / Unshare My PrepPads?
How Do I View All My PrepPads?
How Do I View All My PrepPads?


RadioPrepBot is your personal assistant who gives you the latest Weather, Traffic and Travel, Football News, Local News and Artist Information.
How Do I Access Radio PrepBot?
How do I access content from RadioPrepBot?
How Do I Add Content To My PrepPad from RadioPrepBot?
How Do I Add Content To My PrepPad from RadioPrepBot?


Generate a Radio Essentials: Prep Email by selecting either Email Prep Scheduler or Email Prep Generator. As part of your subscription, you can generate 30 Radio Essentials: Prep Emails per month. Here is an example of Radio Essentials: Prep Email.
Please feel free to get in touch if you need any further help using our new services.