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Birthdays / Events / On This Day

A week in advance of famous birthdays, historical events and  music events “on this day”.

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Our revamped feeds including film, soaps, celebrity gossip, showbiz, world & UK news, music and sport.

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Premium members will recieve monthly imaging plus automatic entry to our monthly prize giveaways.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I pay for a subscription?
You can pay for your subscription either by credit or debit card. By doing so, you authorise us to take payment from the credit or debit card chosen by you on a recurring plan you signed up for.
Can I share my subscription login details with anyone?

Your subscription is for your personal use only. You may not share your username and password with anyone else.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at anytime by getting touch with us. Once your subscription has been cancelled, you will still have access to it until the end of your billing period. 

What if I don’t want to subscribe yet?

You will never be pressured into a subscription. We do offer a scaled down “Free Prep” option which will always be available.

What if I lose/forget my login details?
Please get in touch and we can reset your details.
What is subscription auto-renewal?
Auto-renewal is where we automatically charge the card you originally used to setup your subscription. Your billing period starts from the day you initially subscribed.


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